How to train your Content writer for better performing content

How do you train your writers to create better-performing content?

Do you know how to train a writer to create better-performing articles? Before diving into this, I have another question.

Have you ever hired a content writer?

Or have you ever worked as a team lead with your content team?

Then, it would be best to realize the importance of adequately guiding a content writer or giving practical SOPs.

You may be a freelancer or an agency,  you should give training for your content writers.

There is no strict rule to write content.

The writing style will be different in different contexts

A writer should consider many factors before fixing a content strategy.

They are

  • Audience
  • Goal of the article
  • Medium in which the article is published
  • Niche
  • Brand

Why do you need a content strategy for your business or brand?

You write without direction if you do not have a proper content strategy. What if you write everything in your niche without priority?

It won’t be enjoyable.

You should have a strategy if you need better-performing content to achieve your goal. 

Strategy helps you to execute your plans effectively.

An effective plan leads you to success.

What are the key elements of good content?

  • Relevance
  • Clarity
  • Trustworthiness
  • Engagement
  • Value
  • Accuracy
  • Originality
  • Structure
  • Visual Appeal

Anatomy of a better-performing article

After analyzing several better-performing content online, I have realized there is a common anatomy for better-performing content. 

  • Compelling headline
  • Introduction
  • Well defined structure
  • Visual elements
  • Engagement hooks
  • Conclusion

Train your writer to create compelling headlines.

Writing a compelling headline is crucial in content writing.

A headline is the first thing readers see; they should feel it is interesting to click on the article and start reading.

Here are some practical tips for writing compelling headlines.

  • Write for your audience.
  • Use action words
  • Be Specific
  • Highlight benefits
  • Ask a question
  • Use numbers
  • Create intrigue
  • Include keywords
  • Keep it precise
  • Avoid clickbait
  • Dont mislead
  • Add emotion
  • Consider popular trends

Writing good introduction

What is an introduction in an article or blog?

An introduction is the opening section of an article or blog. It has various purposes.

An introduction should tell the readers what information they get after reading the article.

Quickly, an introduction informs who this article is for and what benefits they get from it.

Write a blog description that is precise and short.

Do not try to tell a story or unwanted examples in the intro.

Train to practice adding references.

Why are references important for an article?

If you want to go in-depth with an article, you need to quote or refer to the already written content of subject matter experts.

Feel free to link the source when you use a subject matter expert’s opinion or any portion from authoritative books, journals, videos, etc.

It enhances your authority and trustworthiness.

If you mention a subject matter expert’s opinion in your blog, link to their social media profiles or personal website.

Link to the exact page if you use data from an authoritative website or research paper.

Write relevant and descriptive anchor text.

While linking to external sources or internal pages, use descriptive anchor texts. 

Descriptive anchor texts help both users and search engines.

Dont write. Click here or read more, etc,

Try to be descriptive, like read the full article on AI image generation.

Use visual elements

Multimedia elements help users to understand the information quickly.

Use images, videos, charts, infographics, explainer videos, etc.

Visual elements increase the user engagement.

Do not share personal opinions.

It is best practice only to add personal opinions in blogs or articles if required.

Otherwise, use statistical data, excerpts from research papers, charts, etc. to support your information.

Maintain a well-defined article structure.

A well-defined article structure helps visitors to read content easily.

According to your audience, use an easy-to-read writing style.

Here are some tips for a well-defined article structure

  • Write simple present tense as much as possible.
  • Break long paragraphs into shorter ones 
  • Add subheadings.
  • Avoid passive voice.
  • Avoid complex and clumsy sentences.
  • Try to add only one idea in one sentence.

Optimize your conclusion in the brand aspect.

Generally, while writing conclusions, the writer summarises the entire article’s core. Instead of this typical style, you can write how your brand can solve this problem or your brand’s perspective on this topic

Contact us If you need a Content Marketing and SEO Expert to train your content team  

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